PupDoge METAMASK Wallet Single Currency Farming Tutorial(App Version)


1.Example: Metamask Wallet (App version)

2.Make sure that you have some BNB in your wallet as gas fee

3.Open “Browser” in Metamask Toolbar and insert PupDoge URL:https://pupdoge.finance/

1.Wallet Authorization

1.Open METAMASKwallet,click the top left corner

2.find “Browser”

3.enter PupDoge URL:https://pupdoge.finance/

4.Total 6 Farming Pool,3 pools are hidden,clicked “FARMS MORE.

5.We clicked onto the 1st , PUPDOGE farms BNB for 7 days,click “APPROVE”to continue。

6.Authorization has to be done first,then click approve


1.After authorization,click “Deposit”

2.Enter amount of PupDoge for staking,then Confirm


3.Rewards Collection

1.Amount will be shown and only can collect 7 days after staking

2.click“Claim”to collect,click“WithDraw”to collect staked PupDoge