1. Example: Metamask Wallet (App version)
2.Make sure that you have some BNB in your wallet as gas fee
3.Open “Browser” in Metamask Toolbar and insert PupDoge URL:
1.Open METAMASK wallet,click on the top left corner
2.find “Browser”
3.enter pancakeswap URL Pancakeswap,click “Liquidity” ,Then “+Add Liquidity”
5.enter amount,system will auto generate value,press “Approve PupDoge”
6.Confirm authorization from Pancakeswap,then Approve
7.Click “Supply”
8.Then “Confirm Supply”
9.After confirm authorization,click confirm
10.Transaction complete,paired PupDoge-BNB- LP
1.back to“Browser”,enter PupDoge url:
2.Total 6 Farming Pool,3 pools are hidden,clicked “FARMS MORE.
3.We clicked onto the 3rd, PUPDOGE-BNB-LP to farm PUPD for 7 days,click “APPROVE”to continue。
4.Authorization has to be done first,then click approve
1.After authorization,click “Deposit”
2.Enter the amount of PUPDOGE-BNB-LP,then“confirm”
1.Amount will be shown and only can collect 7 days after staking“Claim”to collect rewards,click“WithDraw”to collect staked PupDoge